Home Heating System Maintenance Tips You Should be Following

HomeBlogHome Heating System Maintenance Tips You Should be Following

While the winters here may not get as cold as they do in northern states, you likely still rely on your home heating system when it gets a little chilly outside. When properly maintained, your heating system can keep you comfortable in the winter for years to come. Here are a few of the biggest tips we offer homeowners for keeping their heating system in good condition.

Home Heating System Maintenance Tips You Should be Following

  • Replace your air filters. Air filters hold on to the dust and allergens that would otherwise float through your air. Eventually, they will get too dirty to adequately filter out the air in your HVAC system, leading to a less efficient heating system. A good general rule of thumb is to check on the state of your air filters once a month and be prepared to replace them every three months.
  • Clean the area around your outside units. Depending on the kind of heating system you have, you may have outdoor heating units. Bushes, trees, and other outdoor features can grow over and block outdoor HVAC units’ airflow. By keeping these units and the area around them clean, you can help prevent the outdoors from reducing HVAC efficiency.
  • Hire professional services when there’s something wrong. Never procrastinate on calling an HVAC technician when you notice something wrong with your heating system. Whether your problem is uneven heating around the home or strange noises coming from your furnace, the sooner you act on the problem, the less likely it is to get worse.

You can count on us here at Infinity Air LLC for heating and cooling system services that will leave your home feeling comfortable.